If you get this error written on the test page when using Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution, you should install the Samsung Unified Driver. I’ve followed the tutorial on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=341621 point II.c and then I’ve added the network printer as lpd:///PASSTHRU with Make and Model “Samsung CLP-310 Series (SPL-C)” (NOT Samsung CLP-310 Foomatic/foo2qpdl)
How to programmatically dump the threads list of a running java process in bash
It seems that jdb cannot accept commands from command line, so we must use expect. I created the following expect script dumpthreads You can use it like: dumpthreads java_process_pid #!/usr/bin/expect set pid [lindex $argv 0]; spawn jdb -connect sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SAPIDAttachingConnector:pid=$pid; expect “>”; send “threads\n”; expect “>”; send “quit\n”;