Romanian Demoscene Memories

When I was in highscool I was part of the Romanian demoscene subculture under the “PuthreGuy” nickname and I was part of the “General Failure” demogroup. I was also the SysOp of InfoVox BBS (FidoNet 2:531/10). “General Failure” was later renamed to “Float Entertainment” then to “Float|FX” when it merged with “Brain Damage” group. As…

Bluetooth GPS on Gentoo

Configuring a Bluetooth GPS receiver on Gentoo was pretty straight forward for me. This assumes that you already have the bluetooth stack up and running on your Gentoo box. # emerge -p gpsd # hcitool scan Scanning … 00:0B:0D:6E:65:8A iBT-GPS # sdptool browse 00:0B:0D:6E:65:8A Browsing 00:0B:0D:6E:65:8A … Service Name: SPP slave Service Description: Bluetooth SPP…

How to upgrade udev to 103 on Gentoo

I run into some problems when I upgraded udev to version 103 on Gentoo. In order to have it working I needed to: emerge -C coldplug emerge -C hotplug emerge -C hotplug-base emerge -C udev rm -rf /etc/hotplug rm -rf /etc/hotplug.d rm -rf /etc/udev emerge udev emerge baselayout etc-update rc-update del coldplug rm -f /etc/init.d/coldplug…